Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

Your reason choosing your study major at Untan

Hello ladies and gantelmen, I will tell you about the reason why I choose lecture Social Science Education.

Before I register at the University of Tanjungpura , after I graduated from high school aspires wish to continue their education outside west of the island of borneo , namely in Yogyakarta precisely at the university of Sanata Dharma . People say that to enter at the university of sanata dharma quite difficult , therefore I really want to continue their studies in sanata dharma university. In january ago held expo college in my high school ( Saint Ignatius Skw SHS) , I went directly toward stand Sanata Dharma University and I gave a question about the lecture at the university . I am foremost interested to continue their studies in the university . And i am registered to follow test that is held by the committee of sanata dharma university yogyakarta which held in Saint Ignatius Skw SHS and followed by some students Saint Igantius SHS  . The results of the test was awaited for two weeks.

Two weeks later the announcement the test results can be seen through the website Sanata Dharma University and I passed by taking course of study History Education. I feel very happy and the good news to themselves I told you to the family of my family and I support to continue studies out the island of borneo west. A few days later  channel tellevisi a lot of the news of murder of a student and the chain others occurring in Yogyakarta. Heard the news the family prohibit to continue their studies outside the island of borneo and i still demanded to continue their studies there. There are reasons why family prohibit to college there.

A few months ago exactly days after my exam national my father is in the hospital common Bengkayang, my father affected by symptoms heart disease. A few days my father were treated at the hospital Bengkayang and thank God my father recover, automatic my father have to routine consuming medicines a lifetime. I think of it by ripe and finally I choose to continue their studies at the University of Tanjungpura by taking the decision I feel disappointed because they did not can continue studies at the university of Sanata Dharma. I followed test the mandiri 1 held by Tanjungpura University and choose course of study Social Science education and PGSD. Actually I want to take coursesstudy e History Education, but my parents said the chance to a civil servant to history education the opportunity is very few, because I do not take course of study History Education.

A few weeks later admitted that the result test the mandiri 1 can be seen through website Tanjungpura University and thank God I graduated lecture Social Science Education. Although I was before choose course of study  History education I need to keep spirit , because I are very pleased to learn about History and the social science and while in a course Social Science education I not studying the History of deeper I need to keep grateful that can still continue their studies  Tanjungpura University.

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