Jumat, 30 Desember 2016

tugas dialog bahasa inggris
pendidikan IPS'16
Wulandara F.P.B ( F1261161040 )
Helisa                 ( F1261161019 )

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

Your reason choosing your study major at Untan

Hello ladies and gantelmen, I will tell you about the reason why I choose lecture Social Science Education.

Before I register at the University of Tanjungpura , after I graduated from high school aspires wish to continue their education outside west of the island of borneo , namely in Yogyakarta precisely at the university of Sanata Dharma . People say that to enter at the university of sanata dharma quite difficult , therefore I really want to continue their studies in sanata dharma university. In january ago held expo college in my high school ( Saint Ignatius Skw SHS) , I went directly toward stand Sanata Dharma University and I gave a question about the lecture at the university . I am foremost interested to continue their studies in the university . And i am registered to follow test that is held by the committee of sanata dharma university yogyakarta which held in Saint Ignatius Skw SHS and followed by some students Saint Igantius SHS  . The results of the test was awaited for two weeks.

Two weeks later the announcement the test results can be seen through the website Sanata Dharma University and I passed by taking course of study History Education. I feel very happy and the good news to themselves I told you to the family of my family and I support to continue studies out the island of borneo west. A few days later  channel tellevisi a lot of the news of murder of a student and the chain others occurring in Yogyakarta. Heard the news the family prohibit to continue their studies outside the island of borneo and i still demanded to continue their studies there. There are reasons why family prohibit to college there.

A few months ago exactly days after my exam national my father is in the hospital common Bengkayang, my father affected by symptoms heart disease. A few days my father were treated at the hospital Bengkayang and thank God my father recover, automatic my father have to routine consuming medicines a lifetime. I think of it by ripe and finally I choose to continue their studies at the University of Tanjungpura by taking the decision I feel disappointed because they did not can continue studies at the university of Sanata Dharma. I followed test the mandiri 1 held by Tanjungpura University and choose course of study Social Science education and PGSD. Actually I want to take coursesstudy e History Education, but my parents said the chance to a civil servant to history education the opportunity is very few, because I do not take course of study History Education.

A few weeks later admitted that the result test the mandiri 1 can be seen through website Tanjungpura University and thank God I graduated lecture Social Science Education. Although I was before choose course of study  History education I need to keep spirit , because I are very pleased to learn about History and the social science and while in a course Social Science education I not studying the History of deeper I need to keep grateful that can still continue their studies  Tanjungpura University.

Your top recommendations for things to do in your town

Recommendations that means advice to advocate something .
I live in Darit precisely in Landak district known will natural resources and tourist attractions him. I recommended my city as a rich his sites like in serimbu a tourist attractions Riam Dait and Manangar , besides Serimbu in Senakin there are also named tourist attractions Riam solangk , riam solangk is tourist attractions water stone , if you bathroom there might be sick fresh as very cold water and place surrounded many trees and there are many other sites . Why I recommended my city ? i want to introduce that in west kalimantan precisely in district hedgehog there are also tourist attractions far more beautiful besides west java , because in west kalimantan this tourist attractions is still had not know especially indonesians , therefore I recommended my city , not only in a city my there is a wisatanya but in kalimantan west .
Besides famous for his sights , Landak district known as wealth its natural resources also , as gold and diamond .No wonder Landak district this as a diamond dubbed , because in fact that a few years ago there are people who find a diamond in river, how excited people find the diamond it is not believe they ended up the diamond , and diamond were bought by the singapore about 3 billion , we can say that one who discovers diamond this is rich wkwkkwk sudden , therefore the government should can manage the resources dengnan tenacious the natural that natural resources are not used by other countries even discharged with racist or not managed well .Until now also people still compete in for the gold and diamond hehe . Come on recommend your , not to lose by other cities Show the potential your city !

It’s your last meal on earth – what do you choose?

Before I answer it , I am sure that no man who does not like to eat .Especially women , must be kept his well , if eating too much later fat , keep if everybody wants to fat intention nurunin weight by means of diet wkwk , but so do lean want the optimistic put on weight by means of a perpetual but there are a hard man to fat , and what his me solution ?  I do not know hahhaha , sure his your skin development everyone is different , some process is fast there is also a slow.
If I die tomorrow, do I have to eat I loved before I died? So, what’s the last favorite meal I choose to be vanished from earth?
“what is that ?”
“what is that ?”
“oh my God, what is that ???”
Ahaa, i think i only would choose fried chicken.
Why I choose fried chicken ?
1.Contains bacteria e.coli
A chicken also contains bacteria e.coli who is bad for the body.These bacteria worst if struck childerns and adults with the immune system the body weak.
2.Containing high cholesterol
Chicken meat apparently contains high cholesterol , especially to your skin on the part of being fatty .This heaping cholesterol can cause somebody had a heart attack , stroke , diabetes and hypertension .
3 .Contains bacteria salmonela
bacteria is often found in poultry products , like chicken and eggs .Salmonela could cause diarrhea , abdominal pain , vomiting , giddy , until fever .Any prevent the development of bacteria are impose obligation pertinency valid chickens until the temperature 80 degrees and store where appropriate .
4. Causes cancer
5.Arsenic content high arsenic is toxic materials could result attack acute as skin cancer, vomiting, diarrhea, and could be over death although consumed in proportion low.

A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self

Everyone definitely have the past , whether it is past good or bad . Most people must be sorry for the past which bad.I am one of those who are the past which bad, I am sorry and think why it has to happened to me ? But to what in regret , because it happened .From the past that one made a lesson or experience to oil to come . But if we have the past beautiful we will certainly want to repeat or go back to the past the.But whether it will happen again?
Dear me in the past
From the past I learned to unyielding.From the past I was taught to keep patient.From the past also I was taught to mature. We must not blame the past, but we should be grateful for what happened, call it the past is a test of the lord that we are older again in face something and for us always be thankful for what happened and good oil, the present and future.Sometimes if take heed there may be a sorry for the incident.
Some things that I have to share with you to remain optimistic against the past , never give up , never stress , never lazy , never fear of failing because it lest you to be pessimistic .And if you are disappointed never judge at the emotion can cause a making absolutely fatal .One thing to remember is never give up !
Hello the future me
I know how it is upset over what has happened and your oil , therefore i hope to you make your past a lesson useful so that you can still remain unyielding over what has happened .Never thought negative, but save positive mind that all go well .
Remember kata-kata sage of Mario Teguh past yabg worse can be for with a better future , if you will walk today in the good you learn from your past mistakes.